Dan’s Column
Hamilton County Goes Woke

Hamilton County Ohio Goes Woke! Whistleblower Reports Hostile Messaging Towards White Employees and $1 Million Spent on Equity Agreements. Oh, and What About that Union Terminal Sales Tax Money? About one month ago we received an email from an employee at Jobs and Family Services (JFS), part of Hamilton County, (click here to see … [Read more…]
CRT “Do-Gooders” at Turpin High School Just Can’t Help Themselves

One exercise, entitled in the outline as “Step to the Line”, is actually a CRT exercise originally given the title “The Privilege Walk” April 1, 2022Greetings,Last summer, we rallied to help expose the indoctrination of our children into the divisive and racist concept known as Critical Race Theory (CRT). Several of you attended numerous rallies at … [Read more…]
Thoughts About EmpowerU’s Session on Childhood Trauma

EmpowerU hosted a session on Childhood Trauma on March 17, 2021 at EmpowerU Studio. We advertised that Childhood Trauma is a major, largely unaddressed issue in the State of Ohio and nationally, that one of every five children 3-17 years old experiences two or more adverse trauma events annually. Burr Robinson, a great Patriot, led … [Read more…]
“Radical” Ohio Board of Education

Letter Sent to Governor Mike DeWine March 11, 2021 Governor Mike DeWine Governor’s OfficeRiffe Center, 30th Floor, 77 th South High StreetColumbus, OH 43215-6117 Dear Governor DeWine, You may remember me– I run EmpowerUOhio.org a FREE university in Cincinnati that you spoke to in June of 2017. We are now in the middle of our 21st Semester of over 400 FREE … [Read more…]
Thinking Differently

January 11, 2021 Happy New Year to You, The events of the past week are some of the most concerning in my life. What happened at the Capital Building was terrible. Even more concerning to me is the erosion of our Free Speech Rights by Big Tech–and their clear sign of their monopolistic power. Apple, … [Read more…]
New Social Media Accounts

EmpowerU new Social Media Accounts effective immediately 11-19-20. Please join us on these Social Media accounts if you can. The best way to keep track of our events is always to go to our website www.empoweruohio.org. We have recently changed these Social Media accounts due to #Censorship at Facebook and twitter. We encourage you to … [Read more…]
Two Things Got Away From Me This Semester…

Two things that got away from me this semester that I didn’t have a chance to talk to you about. The First is Critical Race Theory and how it is starting in Hamilton County. Read about Hamilton County’s new resolution that calls for Racism to Be a Public Health Care Crisis–click here to read the … [Read more…]
Ruth Hartman Essay Contest

Ruth Hartman was among the first women in the military, serving in the US Navy WAVES during World War ll. Stationed at the Norfolk Naval Air Station, she repaired planes damaged in combat. Born on Christmas Day, 1921, Ruth (nee Zimmer) was a lifelong resident of Reading, Ohio, and the embodiment of the Greatest Generation: … [Read more…]
Think and Grow Rich

Tim Burgess recently joined us for a class on Fear and how to take it and use it to you advantage. Tim has invited anyone who wants to learn more about Fear and get more information about the Think and Grow Rich Philosophy to join him on Thursday nights at 9:00 PM for a FREE … [Read more…]