Author: Dan Regenold
Vote Now or Forever Hold Your Peace
Why should you vote in every primary election and in every general election? Elections are important in the United States as that is how we are represented in the realms of the decision makers holding sway over our lives. In addition, tax levies appear on the ballots, and not voting on these issues is letting … [Read more…]
Brendan Shea Resolution
If you happened to hear my presentation for EmpowerU this past Thursday (Oct. 6), you will recall that I spoke about the separation of powers and that the administrative branch of government exists to implement the laws that Congress passes, not to make its own laws. I mentioned a recent Supreme Court decision titled West … [Read more…]
Hamilton County Goes Woke
Hamilton County Ohio Goes Woke! Whistleblower Reports Hostile Messaging Towards White Employees and $1 Million Spent on Equity Agreements. Oh, and What About that Union Terminal Sales Tax Money? About one month ago we received an email from an employee at Jobs and Family Services (JFS), part of Hamilton County, (click here to see … [Read more…]
There’s Just So Much Pork
Some of the most ridiculous spending by our government as reported by Bill Hoffmann in Newsmax. $6.9 million for smart toilets (cameras inside), $478,188 to make transgender monkeys (your guess why), $465,339 study of gambling (really), $550,000 horror show using live cats (we funded an institute in Russia for this one), $2 million in Covid … [Read more…]
Are You the Next “Militia Violent Extremist?”
August 8, 2022 Dear Friend, On Friday, in a leaked document provided by a whistleblower to Project Veritas, the Betsy Ross flag, the Gadsden Flag (Don’t Tread on Me”) and other common American symbols were portrayed as potentially used by alleged “extremists.” Some of these symbols pictured below are in a document that outlines FBI … [Read more…]
Charles McMicken and the Redskins
By: Tom Hagedorn The Communist Manifesto concludes with the following words: “Communists openly declare that their ends can be attained ONLY by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.” An important step in that process is to destroy the heroes that unify us. That was certainly on display during the BLM riots of 2020, … [Read more…]
CRT “Do-Gooders” at Turpin High School Just Can’t Help Themselves
One exercise, entitled in the outline as “Step to the Line”, is actually a CRT exercise originally given the title “The Privilege Walk” April 1, 2022Greetings,Last summer, we rallied to help expose the indoctrination of our children into the divisive and racist concept known as Critical Race Theory (CRT). Several of you attended numerous rallies at … [Read more…]
Get Started on the Gardening Season
Who is ready to start gardening? I am so ready for spring. Now we can’t get our tomatoes and peppers out yet but there are some plants that can survive a light freeze that we can start planting. Now we still have frost risks and sometimes freezes up until around Mother’s Day here near Cincinnati, … [Read more…]
Thoughts About EmpowerU’s Session on Childhood Trauma
EmpowerU hosted a session on Childhood Trauma on March 17, 2021 at EmpowerU Studio. We advertised that Childhood Trauma is a major, largely unaddressed issue in the State of Ohio and nationally, that one of every five children 3-17 years old experiences two or more adverse trauma events annually. Burr Robinson, a great Patriot, led … [Read more…]