What Really Counts For Getting Promoted
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
Have you ever wondered why colleagues who are not top performers get promoted ahead of those who are? Are you a top performer who has been passed over for promotion and want to know why? This course will discuss the hidden factors beyond excellent job performance that really matter to managers when it is time to decide who is ready for promotion.
Ed Burghard is the founder and CEO of The Burghard Group LLC, a company focused on educating elected officials and economic development professionals about the American Dream. Prior to this role, Ed had a successful 33-year career at Procter & Gamble in brand management. He was considered one of the company’s top Marketing Directors and in 1999 was 1 of the first 3 globally awarded the title of Harley Procter Marketer by the CEO.
There is a $10 Fee for EmpowerU Business Classes

Ed Burghard