225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
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What does it take to achieve your goals whether it is money, weight loss, etc. Learn the Six Steps for Acquiring What you Want. Steps used by the weathiest most influential people alive at the time “Think and Grow Rich was published in 1937.
In 1996 Maximizing Results LLC co-founder, Tim Burgess, was introduced to “Think and Grow Rich” by his first mentor. The mentor, a multi-millionaire entrepreneur, told Tim, an eight-grade drop-out, to get a copy of “Think and Grow Rich” and study it every day for the rest of his life. Tim saw what his mentor had and compared it with what he wanted for himself (and his family) and decided to take the advice of his mentor. Over twenty-two years later Tim continues to study the book every day, and as a result, has become recognized as a leading expert world-wide on the principles from “Think and Grow Rich.” Tim first used the principles to build a highly successful real estate business. In 2009, while doing a program on “Think and Grow Rich,” Tim met his future business partner, Al Lindeman. Then in 2013 Tim and Al co-founded Maximizing Results LLC with the intent of helping people learn and apply timeless success principles, like those found in “Think and Grow Rich.” Today they are serving people all around the world through the seminars, training programs, and coaching/mentoring services.
“Unlocking the Mysteries of Think and Grow Rich” is a program created by Tim and Al to share and teach the power that comes from applying the success principles of “Think and Grow Rich.” In this program they will provide an overview of each principle and the impact it can have in helping to achieve success personally and professionally. Tim and Al are looking forward to helping you unlock the mysteries of “Think and Grow Rich.”
Tim Burgess has been studying success principles for over twenty years. His primary focus has been in the areas of Dynamic Thinking, Effective Communication/Personality Traits, and the Entrepreneurial Mindset. After several years of studying this material he decided to apply it to the real estate profession. The proof that what he had been studying works proves out in the 17 listings he achieved in his first full-time month in real estate (December, 1999) and the 92 closings that he secured in his first full-time year. And his real estate success only improved from there. After several years of success in selling real estate he turned his attention to helping other real estate agents achieve greater success through the knowledge, experience, and skills that he developed. One footnote that you may find interesting about Tim is that he is an eighth grade drop-out.
Al Lindeman traveled a more traditional route having graduating from high school and college then moving into corporate America for thirty years. During those thirty years Al worked for a few big corporations (i.e. Honeywell, ADT Security), as well as, a few smaller companies. What really changed Al’s life was when he transitioned from sales to management. That transition really opened his eyes to how little he knew about business and people and life. It started him on a twenty-year journey of studying leadership, organizational development, sales and sales development, effective communication topics covering the “7 Habits” and emotional intelligence. Through his studies, Al helped the company he worked for open new offices in new cities that significantly increased their revenue and profits. After 30 years in corporate America, Al felt that it was time to follow his true passion. He left the corporate world to start a training and mentoring business with the help of his friend Tim Burgess.