CARES Act Includes Payroll Protection and Funds for Businesses
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
Thursday, April 2, 2020
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Attorneys Chris Finney and Rebecca Heimlich of the Finney Law Firm will present “Significant Relief for Business Owners and Self-Employed in the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis.” So many businessmen and women who have built the businesses for years and decades have watched their investments become imperiled as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic crisis, and in many cases the government mandates relating to it.
As a result, an unprecedented millions of Americans have been furloughed or laid off because the businesses no longer have the money to keep them employed. On Friday Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which includes the Paycheck Protection Program to provide funds to businesses and the self-employed to keep the wheels of commerce turning and allow those businesses to bring back the loyal employees that allow it to exist and grow.
This Thursday, the presenters will explain the act and how businesses owners can quickly access the funds to avoid insolvency.

Bringing more than 30 years of experience as a real estate attorney, Mr. Finney has knitted together the attorneys of the Finney Law Firm with the title professionals and attorneys at Ivy Pointe Title to create a sophisticated and robust commercial and residential title insurance company. The Finney Law Firm gives depth to the title company in the areas of corporate and transactional law, real estate law, probate and estate administration, trust law, bankruptcy law, and commercial dispute resolution.
Mr. Finney is the owner of Finney Law Firm, where he concentrates in commercial and public interest law as well as matters of real estate law and title to real estate.
The height of Mr. Finney’s legal career to date was reached with two wins before the United States Supreme Court in June of 2014, for clients suing the Ohio Elections Commission over their administration of the Ohio “False Claims” statute, empowering a panel of bureaucrats to judge the truth or falsity of statements made during election campaigns. Mr. Finney challenged the statute, and the criminal penalties attendant thereto, in a series of cases spanning five years. After losing the issue before three separate District Court judges, and all fifteen Judges on the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals (an 0-18 losing record on this issue), Mr. Finney won back-to-back 9-0 decisions on the cases from the US Supreme Court.
Mr. Finney is an experienced transactional attorney and commercial litigator, allowing him and his firms to seamlessly document and close your transaction, as well as address disputes that can arise during the course of a transaction.
Rebecca Heimlich is an attorney at the Finney Law Firm.
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