Vivek Ramaswamy to Join EmpowerU Program and Speak at 6:40 PM! Special Start Time!
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
This is a Virtual Only Class
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Required Reading #1: Property Tax Relief Amendment FAQS–1851 Center for Constitutional Law
*Update- Class Starts at 6:30* Vivek Ramaswamy joins Empower U to talk about the Presidential run 6:40- 7:00.
Maurice Thompson is the Executive Director of the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law, a non-profit, non-partisan law firm dedicated to protecting the constitutional rights of Ohioans. Tonight, Maurice will join us to discuss a range of important topics starting off with a proposed Ohio Amendment for Property Tax Relief. How would this work? Who would it impact?
Also to be discussed is, requiring supermajorities to increase taxes of any kind, and a few other ideas that aren’t in the amendment. Our class will be almost a “Focus Group” class as Maurice is seeking input from EmpowerU on the changes being considered. Maurice will be speaking from 7:30-8:15 PM
To Read the FAQ and the Text of the Proposed Property Tax Relief Legislation–Click Here
Matt Mayer has a Florida/Texas vision for Ohio. Mike DeWine and John Husted were just re-elected and most likely their second term will mirror their first term which is why Matt is beginning now to explore if Ohioans will support his agenda. Matt will talk about his agenda in this class, how he will fight the big fights and paint with Ronald Reagan’s bold colors. His agenda can be found at www.ohiomatt.com as he’s putting it out there now so that we the people can hold our elected officials accountable for what they do and don’t do in the coming years.
Matt is a political outsider with an impressive bio and accomplishments however as an outsider he needs a lot of time to build grassroots support and funding to run and win a Republican primary. He has been in the trenches fighting the big policy battles his whole career at the highest levels, he’s raised billions of dollars and been part of top national races in the past, so he has experience and knows what he is doing. Do you want our children’s education to be the best in the country? Do you want to grow our economy, shrink spending and taxes? Register for this class to learn more about future possibilities for a better Ohio. Matt will be speaking from 7:00 -7:30 PM.
Speaker Bio:
Maurice Thompson is a constitutional rights lawyer, author, commentator, speaker, and founder and director of the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law. Maurice fights for liberty across Ohio in high-stakes constitutional rights cases and provides legal support for freedom-oriented ballot issues. He has defeated state and local governments and agencies to protect property rights, taxpayer rights, free speech, parental rights, entrepreneurs’ rights, privacy rights, freedom to contract, and healthcare freedom. Maurice specializes in the Ohio Constitution.
Maurice comes from a long line of Wood County, Ohio farmers. Since growing up in Northwest Ohio, he has lived in Oxford, Cleveland, Washington D.C., Chicago, and Columbus, running his own businesses and working in a diverse array of organizations including the National Taxpayers Union, the Sam Adams Foundation, and the Buckeye Institute. He moved back to Ohio to start the 1851 Center in 2008.
To read more about the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law–Click Here
Matt A. Mayer is the President of Opportunity Ohio and weekly contributor on Columbus-Dayton-Cincinnati radio. In his role, he develops strategic policy positions, advises policymakers on a wide range of issues, designs and evaluates public opinion surveys, creates educational videos and collateral material aimed at key constituencies, engages with all elements of the media, conducts fact-finding missions, and speaks to groups in America and Europe on a variety of topics. Mayer led a nine-state campaign to stop the expansion of Medicaid and has conducted strategic policy summits for top state and national groups. Opportunity Ohio’s targeted educational videos have received more than 18.4 million views on social media in the last seven years. Mayer accurately predicted BREXIT, the election of Donald Trump, the budget deficit in Ohio in 2017-2018, the enormous enrollment in Medicaid that surpassed government estimates, Ohio’s continued mediocre private sector job market, and the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris 2020 Democratic ticket.
Mayer has written and spoken extensively on the importance of competitive federalism in renewing the American promise. Previously, Mayer served as a monthly columnist for The Spectator USA and U.S. News & World Report, a Visiting Fellow for the American Enterprise Institute, and a Visiting Scholar for the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C. where he wrote extensively on national security issues. You can follow him on Twitter (@ohiomatt) and all of his op-eds can be found on his Substack page, The Patriot Mind.
Mayer has worked in public policy and politics at both the state and federal levels. He was a senior official at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security where he provided DHS leaders with policy and operational advice as the Counselor to the Deputy Secretary, including participating in crisis management activities following Hurricane Katrina. He also headed the $3.5 billion terrorism preparedness office charged with developing initiatives to transform America to meet the demands of a post-9/11 environment. Mayer engaged in bilateral counterterrorism exchanges with the United Kingdom and Israel, did briefings in The White House Situation Room and at NATO, and headed America’s largest full-scale national exercise focused on a pandemic virus attack (fifteen years before the COVID pandemic). For a complete bio and accomplishments please go to https://ohiomatt.com/about/
Vivek Ramaswamy founded Roivant Sciences, a biopharmaceutical company, in 2014, after a career as a successful biotech investor. A 36-year-old first-generation American, he is a graduate of Harvard College and Yale Law School. Vivek became a hedge fun partner in his 20’s, and grew up the child of immigrants in the small town of Evendale, Ohio. He now lives with his wife Apoorva and their son Karthik. Vivek took on the nation last year and published his book Woke, Inc. which takes you behind the scenes of corporate boardrooms. Vivek will share with us what has happened since the publication of Work, Inc and also share information about his new book which comes out in September 2022 called Nation of Victims.
Mr. Ramaswamy serves on the board of directors of the Philanthropy Roundtable and the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity. In his new book Woke, Inc. Vivek takes you behind the scenes into corporate boardrooms and five-star conferences, into Ivy League classrooms and secret nonprofits, to reveal the defining scam of our century. The book begins as a critique of stakeholder capitalism and ends with an exploration of what it means to be an American in 2021. Vivek is a graduate of St. X High School and has recently been turning heads on Tucker Carlson’s show and on the Opinion pages of the Wall St. Journal.