Invasion of the Resource Snatchers: Invasive Plants & Animals of the Cincinnati Region
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Join us to learn what invasive species are and how they are one of the leading threats to biodiversity, imposing enormous costs to agriculture, forestry, fisheries and human health.
Biological invasions are going on all around us. Our forests, waterways, parks, and even backyards are being invaded by plants and animals from around the world.
In the U.S., invasive species cause billions of dollars in damage each year, and threaten native plants and animals.
The Cincinnati Museum Center’s Zoology staff will discuss the species that are out of place and out of control in our region. How did these species get here? What makes a species invasive? You will learn how invasive species arrive in new locations and spread rapidly, and what effects they have on our native ecosystems.
The class will include case studies of common local invaders as well as significant biological invasions worldwide. We’ll also talk about invasive species that are likely to appear in our area in the future.
Photos and specimens will be shown to help you identify invasive species in the wild and in your own backyard.
Information will be provided about organizations that work on invasive species eradication, and how you can take can action yourself in your own backyard and community.
Heather Farrington
Emily Imhoff