225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
To View A Complete Recording of This Class Click Here
To View Ed Bell’s Handout on Voter Interaction Click Here
Have you ever wanted to get involved in your Community, School Board, or Politics but didn’t know where to start or how to go about it? You’ll be amazed at what your efforts might produce. Learn from four of our area’s most accomplished activists and build yourself a path to get involved know.
Ed Bell will focus on “How to Make seconds count in voter contact”. Presenting the right approach on a phone call or door knock is essential to sparking interest in an issue or candidate and allowing a conversation to begin. Ed Bell will offer helpful tips to ensure more successful contacts with voters in your community.
Jeff Capell’s presentation will focus on crafting a winning message for your issue, working with the media to make sure your side of the issue is heard, and use of social media to help amplify your message. One doesn’t have to be an industry expert to battle the lobbyists and experts on the other side. Jeff will share his experience in winning battles including how he literally saving the community millions of dollars in the FC Cincinnati Debate.
Kim Grant will talk about what it is like to be a Conservative and ask questions and get involved with a School Board. Her experience of being a fiscal conservative and C.O.A.S.T. Board member and serving on a School Board will be a real eye-opener for you. Nothing prepared Kim for the culture that exists within our school communities, when someone is questioning the status quo.
Matt Wahlert walks you through what it was like to lead a Petition Drive in the recent Sales Tax Petition Drive in Hamilton County. 4 weeks, 38,000 signatures, no real experience. Matt has been a leader on speaking out on the pro’s and con’s of the many tax levy campaigns that seem to be placed on the ballot every day. What tools do you need to be advocate for tax reform in your local area—city, county, state?
Ed Bell spent over a decade organizing liberty-minded citizens to engage in projects focused on bringing greater accountability and transparency to all levels of government. In 2009, Ed and his wife, Gena, partnered with a neighbor, Jay Groenke, along with other concerned citizens to form a tea party group focused on educating the public about the workings of government. Ed was involved with initiatives like the Ohio Healthcare Freedom Amendment and End the Estate Tax and also served as campaign manager for the 2014 campaign to reelect Hamilton County Commissioner Chris Monzel. In 2015 -2017, Ed served as SW Ohio Field Director with Concerned Veterans for America. This organization advanced legislative policy issues to reform the VA and improve the quality of life for America’s veterans. Ed and his wife are now living in Buena Vista, Colorado, where they are volunteering in the community and building new relationships.
Jeff Capell has been a citizen activist for many years and was referred to as a “citizen watchdog” by The Cincinnati Enquirer. He works as an Economist, was recently elected to his first term on Blue Ash City Council, and is the Chairman and co-founder of No More Stadium Taxes. In addition to fighting stadium taxes and subsidies, Jeff took a leadership role in stopping both the 2007 Jail Tax and 2014 efforts to raise the county Sales Tax to renovate the city-owned Music Hall. He is frequently sought by tv, radio, and newspapers for his analysis and commentary of taxes, spending, economics, transparency, and government ethics.
Kim Grant serves on the C.O.A.S.T.Board and the Warren County Central Committee.
Before this Kim was a 1st and 4th grade teacher , who served as President of her
local teachers union. Kim has been an advocate for accountability in education.
Kim , was elected to the Kings School Board in 2013 and served an eventful
4 year term, where she tried to bring needed reforms , financial oversight and
discipline to the Kings School Board.
Matt Wahlert was one of the organizers behind the recent Hamilton County Sales tax referendum effort. He has taught US History and Government at the high school level for the last eighteen years and is also a Visiting Professor of Political Science at Miami University. He also serves as member and president pro-tempore of the North College Hill City Council. Matt holds a PhD in political science and is active in local politics as well as his community.