This Class Has Been Cancelled!
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
Do you love baseball? Do you know everything there is to know about the game, and about the Reds in particular? An enjoyable evening of baseball, facts, figures, and fun. An in-depth talk given by Doug Brownlee about the players he has known, all the stats and even the farm teams they came from. He knows their families, he knows it all. He also can talk baseball history, players, coaches, good and bad. Baseball is his field and he knows it well. When Marty Brenneman was introduced to Doug he was quite impressed and suggested he should work at the Reds Hall of Fame and, he is. He gives great tours and no one at the Hall of Fame can stump him, though many try. What about you, can you stump Doug on any baseball trivia? Join Empower U for peanuts, cracker jacks, and beer to kick off the 2020 baseball season that begins on March 26. See you at the studio!
Doug Brownlee was indoctrinated into the world of baseball on the night of August 28, 1956 when his Dad took him to Crosley Field for the Reds-Giants (then based in NYC) game. He has been a fan ever since, cutting his teeth on the statistical aspect of the game, so much so that, even at 8 years old, he was getting perfect grades in arithmetic at school. All other classes netted no more than a C.
He has been with the Reds in the good and bad times. He was thirteen when the song. “They are all batty about Cincinnati” hit the airwaves. He has had the pleasure of volunteering at the Hall of Fame and museum for the past three years, and enjoys speaking with the fans of other teams.
It was a thrill for Doug to win the 1998 Cincinnati Enquirer contest concerning how he would like to see the GABP configured. The Enquirer took his picture, with a used Yogi Berra 1961 World Series bat in front of the Crosley Field scoreboard. Doug always had a dream to circulate to every MLB Park, and even though there were only 16 parks in existence at the time of his High School graduation in 1966, he didn’t get the chance to fulfill his dream.