This Class is Perfect for Homeschoolers!
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
Thank you for Your Interest, At This Time Registration is Closed
Let’s get the kids educated on the Constitution. This is your child’s, grandchild, or relative to attend a special Constitution Boot Camp just for them. Homeschoolers this class is perfect for you!
Join us for this one-day, seminar style, class that will give you a working knowledge of the US Constitution including its purpose, and true meaning. You will leave with an understanding of the founder’s intentions for our nation and the ways in which we are dangerously off-course. This course will help students to learn to recognize when political power is legitimate and when it is being usurped- and what can be done about it!
The first step to restoring our Constitutional Republic is teach the public to understand the Constitution and the limits it places on our federal government. Kids–up to college age–we want you to learn about your constitution. By attending each student will receive The Handbook for We the People, The Federalist Papers, Bastiat’s The Law and The Precinct Guide.
Free $25 Best Buy Gift Cards to the first 25 students (College age and Under) who sign up and complete the class. Let’s Educate the Kids! Space in this class is limited to 45. We will start out until July 8, just accepting reservations from kids. If the spaces in this class do not fill up we will open this class to the public.
We will be on a tight schedule today so please bring a bagged lunch.
Speaker Bios:
Jim Lewis: Marine, retired Sales Representative, co-founder of Building Blocks for Liberty, currently teaching American History, World History and the US Constitution for homeschoolers in the PEP program at the Mason location. Jim has been interested in history since childhood. During his down time, he continues to read books on history, types of governments and law.
John Hindery: Marine, retired Accountant, co-founder of Building Blocks for Liberty, currently teaching American History and the US Constitution for homeschoolers in the northern Kentucky area. John has been interested in history since 5th grade, worked on the Nixon and Goldwater Campaigns and continues to read books on the founders and presidents.
Rick Herron: Navy, IT Specialist, currently teaching the importance of Central Committee throughout the Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana region for over four decades. He co-founded the Platform Republicans educating conservatives in becoming precinct executives. Rick wrote and self-published a book entitled, “Actually Making a Difference” which explains how important the local level participation can determine local, county, state and national candidates.
Each man specializes in specific areas that compliments the BBFL mission. As part of the military, Jim, John and Rick took an oath to support and defend the US Constitution which lead them to teaching. Our class focuses on the Founding Fathers wisdom, Natural Law, types of governments and much, much more. Each instructor recognized the need to teach what the Founding Fathers gave us so out of frustration US Constitution Boot Camp was born. We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and all volunteer. The donations received help us further focus on educating the younger generations through scholarships.