Take 20: Tyson Butler and Jessica Franz Discuss Protecting Our Children and the Bethel School Situation
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
To Watch a Complete Recording of This Class Click Here
To Contact Tyson Butler from ProtectOhioChildren.net: email: Tyson.Butler.Poc@gmail.com
Required Reading–Wisconsin Teachers Told To Hide Student’s Gender Identity from Parents
From 7:45-8:30 PM we will be discussing the difficult subject of Childhold Trauma. Childhood Trauma is a major, largely unaddressed issue in the State of Ohio and nationally, with one of every five children 3-17 years old experiencing two or more adverse trauma events annually.
Steps are underway to develop a broad base of support in the Ohio State Legislature and Cincinnati City Council, leading to adopting a formal resolution and passing legislation, declaring a State of Emergency to be signed by Governor DeWine and Mayor Aftab Pureval.
Ron Hummons, himself a victim of severe traumatic incidences, beginning at age 5, will be joined by Cinny Roy and Burr Robinson, representing therapeutic and social service interests to discuss how citizens can come together to have Ohio become the first state and Cincinnati the first city to declare a Child Trauma State of Emergency, and to greatly expand effective solutions and become a national model.
Childhood Trauma is an important subject, especially how poverty impacts Childhood Trauma. Our goal tonight is to learn about this topic from our informed guests. EmpowerU was concerned about some of the wording in the original legislation backing the Childhood Trauma Emergency Request as it was racially targeted. Just today we received a copy of the new Resolution, with much of the worry-some language removed, which is going to the General Assembly —Click Here to Read the Resolution.
From 7:10-7:40 we will be joined by Tyson Butler and Jessica Franz. Tyson Butler is passionate about our kids and their education. He is the new Southwest Ohio Director of Protect Ohio Children a coalition to stop Critical Race Theory (CRT), Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) and Social Emotional Learning (SEL). Tyson is a great resource to meet as your kids, grandkids and friends have problems with these issues in their schools.
Tyson will introduce Jessica Franz who is a new School Board Member for the Bethel Board of Education. She will detail the disastrous handling of a situation that involves a trans-identified student accessing the restrooms at Bethel Schools. It is important for you to learn about what is going on in Bethel and how it can easily become a part of your school district. If anything, Jessica’s story will only reaffirm the importance of watching carefully everything that is going on in your school district. You don’t want to meet missing Tyson Butler and Jessica Franz tonight.
Speaker Bios:
Ron Hummons – “Over the past 25 years …Loving Father, Childhood Trauma Activist, Award Winning Author, Film Producer, and Entrepreneur having survived severe Childhood Trauma experiences in first 22 years of life.”
Burr Robinson is happily married to Terry, father of three and grandfather of 7. Grew up in Minnesota until heading east to attend Yale University, where he graduated. He and his wife Terry are now in their 57th year of marriage, the first two of which were in Germany, where Burr was a U. S. Army officer. Upon their return, he began a 31 year career with Procter & Gamble, focusing on sales and marketing. When not working for Proctor & Gamble his heart was increasingly involved in community service activities dealing with people in need. This eventually led to an early retirement and the founding of Jobs Plus Employment Network, with the mission of helping men and women turn around wayward lives that had landed them in jail, or on the streets. The goal of Jobs Plus was to help people first deal with the trauma in their lives, then develop a plan to deal with the trauma, and then help them secure productive jobs while focusing on goals to address their personal issues.
Tyson Butler is a lifelong activist, who has experienced a profound passion for organizing and empowering his community to be active participants in protecting our freedoms in this country. HIs calling is in educating/coaching young people to achieve their highest potential. Whether it was coaching collegiate sports, mentoring students in the classroom or developing life skills; Tyson has always found that my heart is full for children and their journeys towards success. He am honored to be a part of Protecting Ohio Children, where he believes, he has the opportunity to combine two of my strongest passions in an effort to better serve my community and our country’s most precious resource… our children.”
Jessica Franz is a Christian, a Constitutionalist, a Fiscal Conservative and a Lifelong Learner. She is a new member of the Bethel School Board (she was sworn in January 2022) and supports parents and teachers in their respective roles. Jessica strongly believes in keeping racial and sexual politics out of our students’ curriculum. Jessica believes in the following quote from Mark Levin: “Education is not supposed to be about administrators and educational bureaucrats, labor unions, tenured educators, improvident construction projects and statist indoctrination. It is supposed to be about the enrichment and improvement of young people and society.”