Take 20 with Jack Atherton who explains
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Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
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EmpowerU is excited to have Jay Ratliff join us to talk about any and everything pertaining to aviation. If you live in radio distance of WKRC and WLW in Cincinnati than no doubt you at some time have heard Jay. The ‘Pandemic” significantly changed the airline industry making flying less enjoyable, and less dependable. Jay will talk about how an airport in any region impacts the economics of that area, he will give travel tips that will save you money like when to buy your tickets, what to do if your flight is cancelled, etc.
Making sense of the summer of misery is no easy task, but Jay will tackle that issue as well. He has some crazy stories of happenings in the airport and on the plane that will have you laughing or scratching you’re head. For those online participants that may not know Jay be sure to mark your calendar to sign up, as Jay’s knowledge and advice is pertinent for everyone wherever you live. Jay Ratliff will speak from 7:30-8:30 PM.
Jack Atherton joins us tonight to talk about Elite Capture. Elite capture is a term now being used by the Chinese to describe their infiltration of Washington, high-tech, universities and perhaps the most spectacular capture in history, that of the president of the United States for at least $31 million. However, the threat goes far beyond China to the one world mindset of elites in business, academia, media and the rest of America’s ruling class aiming to overturn the foundational idea of America: that of anti-authoritarianism, limited, decentralized government and, most important, individual rights.
In tonight’s segment we will begin by noting that liberal filmmakers have been warning of this future for at least forty years, from Blade Runner to more recent dystopian flicks like Spielberg’s Ready Player One. We will also cover a lot of ground, geographically and historically. and end by urging the audience to move forward and unite. Jack will speak from 7:10-7:30 PM.
Speakers’ Bios:
Jay Ratliff has served as the Aviation Analyst for iHeart Radio for 31 years and FOX News for the last 17 years following his management career with Northwest Airlines. After his position with Northwest Airlines was eliminated, he decided to take his part-time love of stock trading to full time and moved into a motel room to create his approach, living in the Travelodge motel at the Dayton Airport for ten years as he did so. During that time, he delivered newspapers from 4:00am until 7:30am, watched the stock market from 9:30am until 4:00pm and ended his day building GM car seats from 5:30pm until 2:30am. (Existing thru the week on 2-3 hours a sleep per night)
Several years later he launched the Day Trade Fun company as he started teaching people from around the world his approach to flipping stocks for quick profits and has been doing so for the last 12 years.
Jay is a Travel Weekly Magellan Award winner for his contributions to the Travel industry and in 2006 teamed up with Marlo Thomas on her best-selling book “Right Words at the Right Time.” His contribution was featured in Reader’s Digest in May of 2006, and he won their Editor’s Choice Award as more than 80 million people were reached.
Jay has also spent considerable time in prison…(pause for effect) as he worked with the Ohio Department of Corrections helping to create the EXODUS Program. The program was designed to help inmates transition from prison to the workforce and was implemented 30 days prior to the release date.
Jay has been married to his wife Sherry for 16 years and is a dual resident south of Dayton and in Savannah, GA. He has two daughters who serve as ICU nurses.
Jack Atherton- , former anchor at FOX19 and WLWT, and friend of EmpowerU will join us. After anchoring and reporting in San Antonio and Miami, Jack helped start The Ten O’Clock News on Cincinnati’s FOX19. During his 15 years there, it was among the highest-rated primetime newscasts in the country. Jack also contributed columns to Cincinnati Gentlemen magazine and taught a course on the history of electronic media at the University of Cincinnati. Jack has discussed the Media at EmpowerU sessions in the past.