Cold War 2.0: A Geopolitical Tragedy
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
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Remember: The Russians are Coming! – The Russians are Coming!
What perpetrated the threat then and what dangers do we face now?
Greg Lawson, is a Contributing Analyst with Wikistrat affiliation. Wikistrat is a global on-line network of over 5,000 Subject Matter Experts to help decision makers identify solutions to complex strategic challenges.
Mr. Lawson will share his knowledge and expertise with us. He will walk us through the history of US-Russia relations from immediately after the fall of the Soviet Union through the rise of Vladimir Putin and the 2016 election of President Donald Trump. He will show how mistakes on both sides have led to a tragic confrontation where the threat of an existentially dangerous nuclear exchange hangs perilously in the background while Russia is also pushed into the arms of America’s #1 21st Century geopolitical competitor- China.
Greg R. Lawson is speaking as a Contributing Analyst with Wikistrat. Wikistrat is a global on-line network of over 5,000 Subject Matter Experts to help decision makers identify solutions to complex strategic challenges. Early in his career, Lawson nearly joined the U.S. Foreign Service. He continues to engage in his passion for foreign policy and history through participation in programs to strengthen ties between the United States and Turkey, travel, and his affiliation with Wikistrat. Mr. Lawson also serves as a Research Fellow with Ohio’s free market think tank, The Buckeye Institute and lives in Westerville, Ohio with his wife and three children.