This Class Has Been Cancelled!
EmpowerU Studio at Frame USA225 Northland Blvd
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246
An intense 1+ hour, awareness-level class will help you better understand the issues involved.
Lessons will be learned from current research on active shooter (killer) incidents and, how to prepare as an individual to avoid, deter or delay an active shooter (killer) incident. If you and your family are caught in one of these incidents, what should you do? Do you know why these incidents happen, or if there are any patterns to such crimes? You’ll learn response considerations for the concealed carry individual, and what kind of training is available. Should you consider always having some kind of equipment on you to minimize loss of life and maximize your chances for survival?
Businesses will want to consider legal considerations of workplace violence (WPV) and active shooter (killer) incidents. As an employer do you have a workable active shooter (killer) response plan? “Hardening” your facilities, improving your procedures, & training are your greatest assets: your co-workers and you! What are you equipment considerations (safety, medical, etc.) needed to minimize loss of life and maximize your chances for survival. Also, we will discuss communication considerations, both internal and external, that are needed and how best to reach out 9-1-1, your loved ones, and your employees.
COL Bob Cutajar, USA (ret.) (coo – TIE – yer”)
Has managed the Center for Haz Mat, Rescue & Safety at Cincinnati State College’s Workforce Development Center for 6 years. He retired after forty years in the Army as infantry officer; sniper instructor; warrant officer & helicopter pilot. Bob’s combat service was in: Grenada, Central America, Desert Storm, Balkans, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabian peninsula (wounded twice). He retired from P&G after twenty-six years as CBD/PS and he spent 10 years in Florida as Reserve Deputy Sheriff.
Bob is a Firearms Instructor (NRA / USCCA; OH and KY concealed carry licenses
Bob Cutajar is a curriculum developer of both the “Active Killer Awareness & Safety” and “Basic Emergency Casualty Care” Workshops at Cincinnati State College